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Watch Past Webinars

Antenna Innovations: Keeping Up With The Rest of the Industry?

The latest webinar in the GVF-SEG series begins with this very important question, one based on a very important premise – that the transformation of the commercial exploitation of space and rapid progression from “Space 2.0” to “Space 3.0” (exemplified in such innovations as re-usable and 3-D…

Satellite Solutions for Enterprises in EMEA

Satellite services are increasingly deployed across key enterprise sectors like oil & gas, maritime, mobile backhauling, and disaster response/NGOs to provide an expanding range of corporate networking and business continuity applications. Today’s enterprises in the rapidly growing EMEA and…

Connectivity in Latin America: The Satellite Solution

The background to this latest webinar in the GVF-SEG series are the millions of small, medium, and large enterprises, and an even larger number of individuals, lacking needed internet connectivity across Latin America. To paraphrase one of today’s panellists, Tarcisio Ribeiro, Director of…

Partnerships for connectivity enable a brighter tomorrow in Africa

As host for this more than two-hour event GVF introduced welcoming remarks from Intelsat and a keynote address from Liquid Satellite, following which three expert panellists contributed to the moderated discussion, Enabling a Brighter Tomorrow in Africa. In 65-minutes of moderated discussion, Hans…

Terminal Innovation: Leveraging Satellite’s Mobility Sweetspot

On-the-Move (OTM) and mobile applications are a market sweet spot for Satellite communications (SATCOM). While ships, planes, trains, and tactical platforms are sometimes able to connect to high-speed terrestrial services, SATCOM connections are critical to providing a reliable level of service and…

Enable High-performance Network Coverage in Europe & MENA

As host for this two-hour event GVF introduced welcoming remarks and a keynote address from Intelsat, following which three expert panellists contributed to the moderated discussion, Enterprise Networking: Meeting the Challenges of Growing Complexity, Expanding Needs. The foundation perspective of…