Ofcom Consultation Upper 6GHz
The Global Satellite Operator’s Association (GSOA) welcomes the opportunity to respond to Ofcom’s consultation on Enabling spectrum sharing in the upper 6 GHz band. GSOA is the global platform for collaboration between satellite operators. As the world’s only CEO-driven satellite association, GSOA leads the sector’s response to global challenges and opportunities. It offers a unified voice for the world’s largest operators, important regional operators and other companies that engage in satellite related activities. GSOA would like to offer some general observations for consideration of Ofcom in Section 2. Section 3 contains responses to the specific consultation questions.

download full doc, http://gsoasatellite.com/wp-content/uploads/2022-04-11-GSOA-Response-UK-Ofcom-RLAN-at-6GHz.pdf, _blank