
RSPG Consultation on draft opinion on Spectrum Sharing

ESOA appreciates the opportunity to comment on the RSPG draft Opinion on Spectrum Sharing – Pioneer initiatives and bands”.

ESOA agrees that there is scope for the application of new sharing approaches as outlined in the draft Opinion, and ESOA would be pleased to cooperate with the RSPG as this work stream progresses. Scenarios for increased sharing will need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and may need to take into account a broad view of the requirements for satellite services. These requirements include the need to grow services and to innovate, and for some satellite applications to be able to operate with user terminals at any location. We underline that for some satellite applications, there is a need for frequency bands to be available which are free from sharing constraints with terrestrial services.

download the full doc, http://gsoasatellite.com/wp-content/uploads/2021-03-26-ESOA-response-to-RSPG-on-spectrum-sharing-final.pdf, _blank