Dr Gavin Cox of Global Invacom Group Teams with Colin Robinson to Lead New Technology Working Group Agenda
GVF, the sole global non-profit association of the satellite industry with members from the entire ecosystem, has announced the launch of its new Technology Working Group.
The Technology Working Group will build upon the achievements of GVF’s existing Mutual Recognition Arrangement Working Group which has developed a consensus-based framework to improve the efficiency of satellite operators’ terminals type-approval procedures and collaborated with the Satellite Operator Minimum Antenna Performance (SOMAP) Group to provide guidance for antenna manufacturers regarding satellite operators’ expectations for new antenna products.
Initially, the expanded remit of the new Working Group will encompass GVF initiatives in connection with all facets of the satellite industry ground segment, including antennas, modems, software-defined networks/virtualisation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The Working Group will function to provide a high-profile platform and “showcase” – including advocacy, education/information, and promotion – for the satellite industry’s technology innovations and solutions.
The Technology Working Group will be co-chaired by Colin Robinson (who serves as the current chair of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement Working Group) and Dr Gavin Cox, R&D Engineering Manager at Global Invacom Group.
In announcing the development, Colin Robinson noted that, “Gavin Cox is a very welcome addition to the Working Group team and his knowledge and expertise will make an invaluable contribution to an expanded agenda reflective of today’s industry dynamics.”
Gavin Cox, incoming Co-chair of the Technology Working Group added, “I am delighted to be joining the leadership of the Technology Working Group. I have been supportive of GVF initiatives for several years and this is an important opportunity to contribute to the support that GVF gives to technology innovations.”
For more information, including details of how to join the Technology Working Group, please contact WG@gvf.org.

GVF is the sole global non-profit association of the satellite industry with members from the entire ecosystem, GVF has throughout its history brought together organizations from around the world representing operators, manufacturers, service providers, innovators and other parts of the satellite ecosystem that are engaged in the development and delivery of satellite technologies and services for consumers, commercial and government organizations worldwide. GVF facilitates expanded access to satellite-based connectivity solutions, through regulatory, policy and spectrum advocacy; training and certification; product quality assurance; and collaboration with user groups and other satellite stakeholders. For more details visit GVF.org or contact info@gvf.org.

Global Invacom Group comprises companies creating the complete solution for satellite communications through development and manufacture of antennas; electronics for transmitting, receiving and distribution of signals; mounts and mechanisms for positioning and tracking signals; and waveguides. Global Invacom Limited is the centre of development for the company’s LNB and switch designs for the DTH market. Global Invacom Limited is also the home for advanced R&D. Global Skyware designs and manufactures the antenna solutions that enable the world’s leading communications equipment companies to deliver data via satellite.