
Perspectives Spatiales

Perspectives Spatiales takes place every year in Paris and brings together 200 public and private decision makers from the entire value chain of the French and European space sector for a day of networking and exchanges.
Featuring 20+ speakers, including among other the French Secretary of State for Research and Higher Education, the heads of the French and European space agencies, and CEOs of leading industrial actors, Perspectives Spatiales highlights the French and European space sector state and address the sector’s stakes and evolutions through a series of debates and keynotes.
In addition to the high-level program, official social events (executive luncheon and coffee breaks) are organized to foster exchanges between speakers and participants alike.
The summit is organized in partnership with the French Aerospace Industry Association (GIFAS) and is held in French.
The 12th edition of the event will be held on March 28th in the Salons Hoche in Paris.
In a context of strong growth and international change, both for major space powers such as the United States or China, and for emerging space nations such as India, Europe must maintain an industrial and technological ambition and not lose sight of the geopolitical issues of space control: this is nothing less than renewing a European space model.
To analyze in depth the new “Dynamics, threats and opportunities of the European space model” let’s share our visions of sovereignty, both industrial and technological and in the service of defense & security of citizens and build the framework for a sustainable space in all its dimensions.

more info, https://perspectives-spatiales.com/ , _blank
register, https://perspectives-spatiales.com/sinscrire/, _blank