IoT Tech Expo Europe
The Internet of Things event series is introducing the next event exploring the latest IoT innovations and solutions. Now in its 7th year, the IoT Tech Expo Europe will host it’s leading technology event covering two days of top-level content and thought leadership discussions exploring the IoT ecosystem.
Taking place on 26-27 September 2023 at the RAI, Amsterdam this technology event and conference is for the ambitious enterprise technology professional, seeking to explore the latest innovations, implementations and strategies to drive businesses forward.
It is a free registration to attend Expo but the Gold and Ultimate passes are charged. GSOA members get 20% discount when applying the code MPEU20 at checkout.
more info, https://www.iottechexpo.com/europe/, _blank
register, https://www.iottechexpo.com/europe/europe-registration-2023/, _blank