
Asia Satellite Business Week (ASBW)

Asia’s most prestigious and c-level satellite event, the Asia Satellite Business Week will welcome 200+ global space and satellite key players to share industry perspectives, network, and secure partnerships.

Around 40 prominent industry speakers will take the stage to address satellite’s technology-driven hottest topics including connectivity, Universal Access and government satellite strategies, Earth observation, access to space, ground to space and in-space communication right up to constellations.

ASBW is a featured event of Asia’s flagship tech & Satellite event: Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG), and is organized in partnership with Informa Tech.

GSOA members should use the code GSOA30 to get 30% discount.

more info, https://www.euroconsult-ec.com/novaspace-events/asia-satellite-business-week/, _blank
register, https://asiatechxsingapore.informatech.com/2024/registrations/ASBW?_mc=GSOA30, _blank