
GSOA Response to UK OFCOM on Optimal Use of 3.9GHz Spectrum

In our previous reply to OFCOM’s consultation in May-July 2024 on the “Optimal use of 3.9 GHz”, GSOA ex-pressed its concerns regarding the high-power levels of the H3G license, which were announced to be on par with commercial 5G operating in the 3.4-3.8 GHz. As men-tioned in our response, coexistence between 5G commer-cial type services and FSS receiving Earth Stations (ES) and fixed service (FS) links operating in the C-band is extreme-ly complicated and has led to the migration of FSS from the band 3.4-3.8 GHz. GSOA believes that this assignment of H3G in 3.8-3.884 GHz with its expected 26.000 links could lead to an equally complicated co-existence scenario if the coordination process and its underlying assumptions are not clarified.

download full doc, https://gsoasatellite.com/wp-content/uploads/2025-02-24-GSOA-Contribution-OfcomOptimaluse3.9GHz.pdf, _blank