RSPG Consultation on draft opinion on RSPP
ESOA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft RSPG Opinion on the upcoming RSPP proposal from the EU Commission.
ESOA believes the era of fully independent terrestrial and satellite communications networks is most likely over. The key challenge for the industry is to ensure that satellite services are fully and seamlessly integrated with 5G terrestrial infrastructure to best contribute to achieve the goals of the EU Digital Decade. Satellite is increasingly being recognised as part of the global 5G network, especially when considering vertical industries such as IoT/ M2M, media services, connected transport networks and many other services. Such services benefit greatly from the reach and resilience of satellite networks, as well as the amount of data that can be delivered for backhauling or broadcasting to users, either through storage at base stations or directly to devices. The role of satellite in 5G has been extensively recognized and elaborated at European level by the ECC Report “Satellites in 5G”.