
Network Planning And Enhancing Customer Experience

2 June 2021 / Virtual

This exciting webinar hosted by Integrasys and AVIA, will approach the revolution of automation in the Satellite Industry, from Network Planning to Enhancing Customer Experience.
The new market demand is focused on complying with the highest SLAs, providing an efficient communication pipe, and being able to manage the network through end-to-end automation, which enhances connectivity, resiliency, and availability by remote operations. This webinar will show you the steps to success in Network Planning, which traditionally involves a great amount of time, money, and effort. Efficient network planning is key to network deployment and the new way of network management, in order to enhance customer experience.

register, https://zoom.us/webinar/register/8116203729572/WN_g3nEkhBTT3yhXGz8fhDG2g, _blank