6G Digital Symposium
22 – 24 June 2021 / Virtual
The 6G Digital Symposium brings the industry together to define the drivers, players, spectrum and regulation, as well as technological and architectural roadmap towards the sixth generation of networks that will augment human possibilities.
While 6G is not yet defined, one thing is certain; the extreme connectivity that will be enabled will transform the digital economy to an intelligent one, and, it is widely agreed that this should be built with the UN Sustainable Development Goals in mind.

more info, https://tmt.knect365.com/6g-digital-symposium/, _blank
register, https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&partnerref=core-website&_ga=2.7130354.1908883623.1623241951-264721172.1623241951&eventid=3109918&sessionid=1&key=CFE637073ACE45F2F122682E7E97A6BA®Tag=2277797&V2=false&sourcepage=register, _blank