Conference Preparatory Meeting 2023
In accordance with Resolution ITU-R 2-8, the CPM shall hold two sessions during the interval between WRCs. The first session is for the purpose of organizing the preparatory studies to be carried out by responsible and contributing groups of the ITU-R Study Groups, and preparing a structure for the draft CPM Report, based on the agenda for the next WRC and the preliminary agenda for the subsequent WRC. This session takes into account any directives which may have come from the previous WRC. The second session shall prepare a consolidated report to be used in support of the work of World Radiocommunication Conferences, based on: • the presentation, discussion, rationalization, and updating of material from responsible groups, addressing WRC agenda items (see also No. 156 of the Convention), while taking into account contributions from ITU Member States and Radiocommunication Sector Members concerning the regulatory, technical, operational and procedural matters to be considered by such conferences; • the inclusion, to the extent practicable, of reconciled differences in approaches as contained in the source material, or, in the case where all efforts to reconcile differences have been exhausted, alternative approaches with their justifications could be included. Information from the responsible groups in charge of the ITU-R preparatory studies for WRC-23 and WRC-27 can be consulted online at